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   产 品 说 明

.产品概况 Product Overview


Product Name: 二硫化钨
英文名称:Tungsten Disulfide

English Name: Tungsten Disulfide


Model: ZBW12

Manufacturer: Shanghai ZBWM Chemical Engineering Pte. Ltd




Molecular Formula: WS2


Molecular Mass: 247.97


Content (%):99~99.9      
粒度:一级 Fsss0.40.7μm,二级 Fsss=0.851.15μm

Particle Size: First Class Fsss=0.40.7μm; Second class Fsss=0.851.15μm         
外    观:灰黑色 

Appearance: gray black

二.编号系统 Number System


CAS Number12138-09-9


EINECS Number235-243-3


MDL NumberMFCD00011467


PubChem Number24854626


.理化性能 Physicochemical Properties

Tungsten disulfide is slightly soluble in water and soluble in hot water. It does not dissolve in hydrochloric acid and alkali. The product is also dissolved in molten alkali but insoluble in alcohol. It has reduction property and have reactions with hot concentrated sulfuric acid, nitric acid, aqua regia and other strong oxidizing agent. It can be converted to WO3 when heated in air or oxygen.

WS2 超细粉末是一种新型润滑减磨材料,具优良润滑特性,它的干磨擦因素仅为 0.03 。是公认的摩擦润滑效果最好的原材料之一,静态下,它的干磨擦因素为 0.07 ;动态下,干摩擦因素仅为 0.03 。干磨擦性能比其它材料都好,且能在高温高压下使用。在大气中,二硫化钨的工作温度范围: -270 ℃~650 (-450F1200 F) ; 在真空中,它的温度范围: -188 ℃~1316 (-305F2400F) 。二硫化钨涂层的极压能力非常高 , 达到 2000Mpa 300000 psi )。在航天工业的固体润滑中,唯有 WS2 能耐 -270℃~1300℃ 的宇宙高温。因此一直以来,二硫化钨作为高档、高性能摩擦润滑材料被应用在美国宇航局 NASA 航空、航天、军事等高科技领域。

WS2 superfine powder is a new lubricating antifriction material with excellent lubricating properties and dry friction coefficient of only 0.03. It is recognized as one of the best raw materials friction lubrication.  Under the static, its dry friction factor is 0.07; under dynamic state, the dry friction factor is only 0.03. The dry friction performance is superior than other materials. The product can be used under high temperature and pressure. In the atmosphere, operating temperature of tungsten disulfide ranges between -270 ℃ ~ 650 ℃ (-450F ~ 1200 F); in a vacuum, the temperature ranges between -188 ℃ ~ 1316 ℃ (-305F ~ 2400F).  The extreme pressure capability of tungsten disulfide coating is very high, reaching 2000Mpa (300,000 psi). For the solid lubrication in aerospace industry, , only WS2 can withstand the high universe temperature universe ranging between -270 ~ 1300 . Tungsten disulfide, as a high-grade and high-performance friction lubricating material, has been historically used in NASA, aviation, aerospace, military and other high-tech engineering fields.

.二硫化钨的用途  Application


1. WS2 is mainly used as a oil catalyst: the product can be used as a hydrodesulfurization catalyst as well as catalyst for processes of polymerization, reforming, hydration, dehydration and others. It has been widely accepted among oil refinery factories due to its excellent pyrolysis property, stable and reliable catalytic activity, long usable life span and other characteristics.


2. In the preparation of inorganic functional material, the nano WS2 is a new highly efficient catalysts. Since the product is able to form a sandwich structure as the novel compound, nano-WS2 monolayers can be made into two-dimensional material, and can be re-stacked into a new granular material with the large-scale "floor-room" structure as required. During the process of re-stacking, intercalated substances can be added, which transform the product into a catalyst, or sensitive display and superconducting materials. The huge internal surface area of the product makes it easily mixes with accelerator, and hence becomes a new highly efficient catalysts. According to the research from Nagoya Industrial Research Institute, it is found that nanometer WS2 imposes great catalytic effect during the process where CO2 converting into CO. This finding will encourage the development of the carbon recycling technology and pave the way to improve the trend of prevention of global warming.

3.WS2可用做固体润滑剂、干膜润滑剂、自润滑复合材料:纳米WS2是最佳的固体润滑剂,其摩擦因数为0.010.03,抗压强度高达2100 MPa,具有耐酸碱侵蚀,耐负荷性能好,无毒无害,使用温度宽,润滑寿命长,摩擦因数低等优点。近年来,固体润滑剂空心富勒烯纳米WS2所显示的超低摩擦与磨损备受人们关注,比如20世纪80年代美国曾用纳米WS2粒子喷附在金属表面上,形成WS2润滑干膜,来大幅度降低摩擦因数,提高模具寿命.

3. WS2 can be used as solid lubricants, dry film lubricants, self-lubricating composite material. Nanometer WS2 is the best solid lubricant with the friction factor ranges between 0.01 and 0.0, and the compressive strength of up to 2100 MPa. It is resistant to erosion of acid and alkali. It also has good load-proof performance, non-toxic feature, wide range of applicable temperature, long life lubrication and low friction factor. 近年来,固体润滑剂空心富勒烯纳米 WS2 所显示的超低摩擦与磨损备受人们关注,比如 20 世纪 80 年代美国曾用纳米 WS2 粒子喷附在金属表面上,形成 WS2 润滑干膜,来大幅度降低摩擦因数,提高模具寿命 .In recent years, ultra-low friction and wear of the solid lubricant hollow fullerene nanometer WS2 has captured much attention. In 1980s, the United States had used nanometer WS2 particles sprayed to the metal surface to form a dry WS2 lubrication. It showed a significant reduction in the friction coefficient and consequently improved the die life.

4..纳米WS2是制造高性能润滑油非常重要的添加剂。研究发现,在润滑油中添加适量 WS2纳米颗粒,能够极大改善润滑油的润滑性能,可降低摩擦因数20%~50%,提高油膜强度30%~40%,其润滑性能远优于纳米MoS2。在相同条件下,添加有纳米WS2基础油的润滑性能,明显优于添加有常规颗粒的基础油,且具有良好的分散稳定性。研究结果表明,由于添加了纳米颗粒的润滑剂综合了流体润滑和固体润滑的优点,从而有望实现从室温到高温(超过800℃)的全程润滑。因此,纳米WS2可以作为添加剂,合成新的润滑系统,具有广阔的应用前景.

4. Nanometer WS2 is a very important additives in manufacturing of high-performance lubricants. The study found that adding appropriate amount of WS2 nanoparticles in lubricating oil, can greatly improve the lubricating properties. The result showed 20% to 50% reduction in friction coefficient, 30% to 40% improvement in film strength. The lubricating properties of nanometer WS2 is far superior than that of nano MoS2 . Under the same conditions, the lubricating property with addition of base oil that contained nanometer WS2, is significantly better than that of base oil contained conventional particles; and has good dispersion stability as well. The results showed that the lubricant added with nanoparticles combines the advantages of both solid and fluid lubrication, hence is expected to achieve the entire lubrication from room temperature to high temperature (over 800 ). .Nano WS2, as a additive, can develop a new lubrication system and has broad application prospects.


5. The product can be applied as anode for fuel cell, organic electrolyte rechargeable battery, sulfur dioxide that oxidized in acid, sensors and so on. It can also be used to make nano-ceramic composite materials. Nano WS2 is a good semiconductor material.

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